Feature finding is a very important part of carp fishing. However, to maximise the impact it will have on your fishing you need to know:
- what features to look that are likely carp feeding spots
- how to locate and identify above water and underwater features
- when is the right time locate underwater features
- what are the times to avoid underwater feature finding that may result in scaring fish off
Locating features is much more than just chucking a marker float out into the lake and seeing what’s out in front of you, although of course it is a useful tool. We will get on to how to use a marker float in a bit, but first let’s look at features that can be identified above the water level.
Feature finding is equally important, when fishing a French holiday lake. Just because these lakes are commercial run and may have a higher sticking density than English club waters, does not mean that they necessarily;y any easier. Most anglers will fish for a week, so finding spots that you can present a bait on which are in likely feeding zones is critical to having a good trip.
The biggest Feature in any Lake is the Bank
The lake bank should never be overlooked. Fish always patrol the margins as it’s one of the main sources of food and shelter. Put on a pair of polaroid glasses and walk a couple of laps of your lake. Look under overhanging trees and bushes, look for feeding bubbles, clouded areas of water as well as water movement and displacement. A good tip is to throw a few handfuls of bait into some margin areas when you walk the first lap of the lake and look for signs of feeding on these spots when you walk a second lap. You would be surprised how many fish can be caught often only inches from the bank.
Islands are a Natural Patrol Route for Fish
Whilst they are one of the most obvious features on a lake, islands are usually always regular patrol routes for carp. In the same way the margins are often a natural holding areas for fish, islands are no different. Islands offer carp shelter and the steep banks are natural areas where food will settle. There can be areas of islands which are inaccessible to cast a hook bait to, such as under low hanging tree branches which become natural safe havens for the carp. Whilst it may not be possible to cast to some areas of the island, laying a trap close by and with a good scattering of bait will help stop the carp as the patrol the island margins or draw the carp out from their safe zones. I often find that by scattering bait over a wider area rather than tightly baiting will get fish foraging for the next piece of food and particularly on more pressured lakes carp may be less suspicious of this approach compared to tighter baited areas which they can begin to associate with danger.
Snags are often seen as a Safe Haven and therefore usually hold fish
Whilst most visible snags will typically be fallen trees or bushes from the lake bank or from an island, I thought that snag fishing warranted a separate section. Snags, provided they are in a sufficient depth of water should never be an area that you overlook. They offer carp both shelter and protection, especially from anglers. For this very reason snag fishing should not be done without the correct tackle and set up but if done correctly can be very effective. The first rule should always be for you consider if you can actually land a fish from the swim. Especially with marginal bank snags you will find you can more easily cast to areas of the snag you could not if the snag is off an island. For the safety of the fish if the swim is too tight and there is not enough open water to guide and play the fish in, or you cannot fish the snag from a different area of the lake where it will possible to land the fish, then you should not fish the snag at all. Whilst it may be tempting it is not worth the risk of snagged up carp that at worth could result in the its death. If you decide that the swim is safe enough to fish, then fish locked up, have your lead set to drop off and sit inches from your rod as you wait for the rod to wrenched round!
Feature Finding under water – What Tackle do you need?
Using a lead to map out the contours of the lake bed has become an essential part of carp fishing. The standard tackle for doing this is carp rod, anywhere between 2.5lb and 3.25lb test curve will be fine, however generally the softer the rod tip the easier it is to feel the texture of the lake bed. You will need braided mainline, this is critical as the stretch in mono line will not allow you to feel the bottom as you drag the lead towards you. To determine the depth of the lake you will also need a marker float.
What to do if fish are already showing in the swim?
Some anglers, even when there are showing fish in their swim, will routinely cast 20 or 30 times with the marker float when they arrive.
If there are fish already in the swim, my advice would be to either cast a rod out an