

Catch Reports related to Lac de Mandeix

Lot of rain but Big fish. 7 fishs for average 19kg / 42lbs

17 carp landed with an average size of just under 30lbs.

17 runs resulted in 10 fish fish for the angler on Lac de Mandeix. A toal weight of 299lbs and an average weight of 30lbs.

15 carp landed to just over 50lbs and an average weight of over 33lbs for our Dutch angler. Top angling!

Catch report of the week: – 16 fish from 19 runs for a total weight of 592lbs – an average of 37lbs!!! – 6 fish over 45lbs – Common personal record 49lbs 4oz – Mirror personal record 54lb 2oz Basically an outstanding session!