David, and his son Paul, booked a week with us, through Dream Carp Holidays, for their annual trip to France.
They arrived on Monday morning and we all had a walk around the lake to discuss the plan of action for the week. The guys decided to fish from first light through until dark and chose to reel in for a nights to get a decent sleep.
With cold nights forecast and the days overcast, with showers predicted, they introduced a small amount of the lake boilies and pellets on some spots and placed simple bottom bait rigs over the top.
The bites came steadily through the first part of the week and slowed a bit towards the later end, but they managed around 25 carp and a few tench between them.
4 fish were over 30lb, the biggest of the trip a 42lb mirror for Paul. Several mid 20’s a couple of small, but cracking looking stockies, made up the rest of the tally.
Well done lads, thanks for a great week.