The lake looked amazingly tranquil and enticing on our arrival with the sunlight reflecting of the mirror like finish of the water leaving us with a feeling of trepidation after all 70lb fish lurk within its depths .
We were under no illusions of what was ahead of us with the weather forecast now changing from a week of fishing with temperatures between 20-25 with ok pressure to extremely hot 35-37 degree for the week .
Guillaume shown us round the lake and provide information on how it had been fishing going tactics and spots to look out for.
All swims were well kept and inviting with power if require on pegs 1 and 3 as peg 2 has a chalet which was clean and adequate for a week’s fishing with freezer and cooking facilities.
In the middle of pegs 1&2 was the toilet and shower block which was a very functional wooden building with an open area for cooking and dining to the front overlooking the lake which provided very welcome shade from the blistering sun . To the left of swim 2 was another cabin which had fridge and freezer facilities inside , so no worries about being enough room for your baits.
Overall fishing wasn’t easy due to weather but we managed to land 16 fish for the week with 2 new Pb’s in the 50’s between us
Peg one produced fish during the day with one exception while Peg two’s fish all coming through the night.
Great fighting fish all in lovely condition
A great time was had by all.
Tight Lines