If Carlsberg done fishing holidays, last week’s weather was spot on for new guest’s Gavin & Sid.
Conditions were near on perfect and they did not waste time getting stuck into the fish.
Gavin managed to nab a new PB mirror of 39lb 5oz, then beat it with a Grassie of 39lb 14oz.
Sid manged a couple of low 40’s in his haul of 41 carp.
Gavin had a couple of pike to just under 10lb on static boillies (New pike PB for him )
Sid is now the Grass Carp king, think he bagged about 12 during the week.
Only fished 3 nights, as well as days.
Total weight of 2001lb 9oz.
Total of 75 fish. ( Carp )
33×20’s (27over 25lb )
9 Teens