

Lake Beauregard – 19 March, 2022

19 March, 2022

19th-25th March. 6 anglers.
The first week of the season kicked off with a decent start with kevin findells group taking a total of 24 fish. Temperatures rising to over 18 degrees during the week meant that the fish certainly woke the fish up and they started to feed. All fish where caught on boilies with most falling the the Beauregard Nutz specials.
30lb mirror
31lb mirror
32,12lb mirror
33,14lb mirror
26,10lb grasscarp
27,1lb common
46,1 common
27,9 mirror
8lb common
28lb catfish
27lb mirror
42lb common
12lb catfish
30,8lb mirror
31lb common
24lb common
31lb catfish
41,8lb mirror
33,12lb mirror
34,2lb mirror
27,7lb common
28,9lb mirror
48,11lb grasscarp
21lb common

Lake Beauregard – 19 March, 2022