

Catch Reports related to Domaine de Grand Felin

Four Lovely fish on a cold day well done lads 🎣🥶☃️

24 hours 5 Nice carp Weather not good 🥶🥶🥶but DGF baits are still catching 🎣🎣

Weather very cold 🥶🥶 this carp fell to DGF particals

First day of fishing 5 fish out with two Lovely 40 +

First day of fishing 5 fish out with two Lovely 40 +

Nice end of The year weekend session gave two thirtys and a nice uppercut fourty

Another unknown common 😃

Very bad weather but still managed to get a couple

Its The beginning of December and the carp are still feeding well 🎣🎣

A quick overnight session cave this upper 30 to Vincent well done FC boilies Loirbaits

Another unknown fish first time caught 35.6 lbs

We are not all out and out carp fishermen, this was our first trip away as a group. Jason has been amazing with his help and commitment prior to and during our stay. The main lake was a challenge however this was possibly due to the amount of bait put in the previous week. The […]

Last minute decision to do a overnight session gave me this lovely scarlet mirror carp 39.8 bait tigers and H Berrie boilies

Another unknown fish caught in the willow lake 52 lbs well done

Yesss first time out seen it lots but nobody has ever caught her what a beautiful 30 + koi 🥰

Nice fish to go with Nemo the koi

Just finished a weeks fishing at this venue Firstly the hosts Jason & Marie very very professional & welcoming Jason’s very knowledgeable about his lakes and does his best to put you on them There are two beautiful lakes to fish and a river stretch so really spoilt for choice and 1 week is not […]

Looks like DGF particle mix with the pellets are working well let’s hope we get some big surprises for the end of this year 🎣🎣🎣

Some nice original fish from the willow tree lake

Good to see the young kids getting into carp fishing after giving them some advice and helping them with their rigs this magnificent 40 + common in the net well done boys 🎣🎣

Not easy this week but managed to get a few out . DGF pellets and H Berry boilies done the job again 😃👌🎣🎣

60.-8 lbs caught on HBerry boilies over a bed of DGF particles

Very very hot this week but the guys managed to get a few fish out shame they lost more than they caught

one for the ladies very nice grass carp just a little bit heavy to hold

Just what we needed to cool down in this heat 😅38 degrees

Very hard work weather is 38 degrees but managed to get a couple of good fish for the moment let’s hope the weather cools down

Just 48 hours into a week’s fishing not bad for the moment DGF particles with FC Boilies Loirbaits are doing the job

This 35 lb mirror fell to FC crab pop up on a child rig fished over 3 kilos of FC chopped boilies

Wow 2 lovely fish fell again to DGF particals and Loirbaits FC boilies well done

48 hour session not bad considering the weather DGF baits done it again

Another surprise one of the original ones

Well done Joseph in total 19 carp including 4 fish over the 40 lbs mark some 30 lbs and also some of the growing 20 + carp

After a few lost fish Joe managed to get a couple more in the net shame for the hook pulls seemed like good size fish too

Not bad for the first days fishing


34 lbs common caught on FC boilie Loirbaits and 2 kilo of DGF pellets

Wow this is one of the old original stock put in the lake in 1979 only a 24 lbs but size doesn’t always matter

Thèse 2lovley grass carp fell to a HBerry pop up on a hinged chod rig 38 lbs and 41 lbs

Overnighter gave me thèse three carp caught on HBerry boilies with DGF pellets mix

Finally the rain stopped and I was rewarded with this lovely 38.12 mirror caught with DGF Baits

All it takes is a little stalking rod a float and some good bait and your away.Come here and try out some stalking free lessons if needed too

Another lovely fish from the margin swim mid thirty common all Adrian’s fish got caught in the day

Nice afternoons fishing not easy after the spawning but I am catching hopefully one of the really big ones will come into my net

After baiting up with DGF particals and Boilies this wonderful koi came to my net 🤩

Not bad for the afternoon 2 thirty’s

After a couple of hours fishing gave this nice mirror carp to Adrian

After a difficult couple of weeks fishing with the spawning and the water levels going up the carp are finally getting their heads down

Not been easy fishing but managed to get a couple out hopefully more to come

Not easy after the flooding but he managed to get two fish this one 33 lbs

Overnighter gave this lovely 30+ mirror fell to the Red Frenzy C mix topped off with a little yellow pop up

lets hope forgetter weather soon so we can finish putting out the rest of the garden furniture and games

A quick 48 hr session gave this nice 50 lbs Bait was Frenzy C with FC boilies LoirBaits

Overnighter gave this lovely 30+ mirror fell to the Red Frenzy C mix topped off with a little yellow pop up

5 hours after he started to fish gave him this magnificent carp just under 42 lbs

Both of these carp are unknown 30 lbs first time out

This 52 lbs beauty fell to Baiting in the margins with DGF frenzy B mix the first part of the 48 hour session the fished on the bait with a chopped down FC bookie from Loirbaits

Early morning stalking gave me this lovely 30 + ghost common

A quick 48 hour first time fishing the lake and first fish a 40+ mirror lovely . Baited with DGF Frenzy C mix and H berry boilies from Loirbaits

Overnight session gave this lad a nice 30+ mirror Baiting up with DGF pellets and FC Boilies from Loirbaits

After a night of intense rainfall I managed to catch a nice 31.12 unknown common

Nice wake up call at 6.30 this morning was very quiet last night didn’t expect anything . Beautiful koi 34.2 lbs double plastic corn over around 2 kg DGF frenzi particle mix

New stalking swim The Cove . seen some lovely fish in this corner just have to catch them know.See you soon if you are coming over bring your stalking gear

Prepared particles with Himalaya salt and spices available on site


24 hour session gave me a big surprise lovely unknown mirror 50.2 lbs very happy Baited with FC boilies Loirbaits over a bed of crushed particles from DGF Baits

A little short session on field lake gave me these two lovely carp .3kg of DGF prepared particals and 1 kilo of Loirbaits FC boilies over the top done the job .Hook Baot match the hatch 20 ml FC Koi 34.7 lbs and the fully 28.8 lbs

couple of hours winter stalking gave me this lovely mirror carp.fell on salty hazelnut by DGF BAITS

A quick overnight session 2 kg Loirbaits strawberry boilies and a 33 lbs on the unhooking mat 😀Too bad I was alone for the photo

Nice combination for a winters morning stalking


Pva bag Parker baits pop up OG Fish with pellets fished on a gravel patch in the margins a scrape off 32lbs

30 lb caught on a Parker Baits OG fruit and nut pop up second fish of the night .Caught on the willow lake. Both grass carp are also new unknown fish nice surprise

Another unknown fish from field lake