Back this week are Bob and Nick with a new addition another Bob.
Fished swims 5,9 and 10.
Guys used various different boilie baits that they have brought with them and some of our pellet.
Nick swim 10 carrying on from last week with a 38.4 mirror and 37.4 common and Bob on swim 9 tripped up the Hulk @ 44 lb 8 oz over the other side Bob on swim 5 had a 51 lb , 54 lb and Katie 61 lb 60’s club hoodie awarded, Monday during driving rain and strong winds Bob swim 9 new PB leather Marley @ 50 lb and a 31 mirror Ambler @ 48 lb 8 oz Nick had a couple of mid 20 commons followed by a 35 lb 8 oz only fish out Thursday was a 32 lb common named by Nick as whiskers after what looks like a old cat injury on it, foggy Friday !
Weather was a right mixed bag warm sunshine and showers some rain temperatures still a touch below average warm nights winds mainly from the north some southerly. Water temperature dropped right off 19 degrees after all of last weeks rain oxygen levels are good PH 8.4