Hi guys, we are back now until the end of October no more breaks,
This week we welcomed back Chris and his family Harry, Jake and wife Lauren it’s been 2 years nearly to the day when they were last here and Chris took the place apart with 22 fish lots of names including Daisy !
Fishing same as before swim 5.
He is using our Archiepeachy white boilie with some other boilie baits he brought with him mainlines Essential Cell and the Cell !
It was a slow start for Chris and the boys they had fish all over them from the start to the finish question was what were they eating ?
It was never going to be a red letter week once we started through the week with the fishing being very slow to respond to bait and the only time they were catching was around the same time every day and that was late afternoon, all fish caught were healthy and well spawned out which is fantastic and great to see !
Chris as always still managed to trip a few up Coup 45lb 6oz, Chunk 42lb, Rudder 35lb 2oz, Nutty 25lb 10oz and newly microchipped and named by Jake Comet @ 33lb 10oz
The weather is much the same as two years ago very Hot up to 40’s high 30’s changeable winds northerly, southerly and a bit from the west, pressure has gone up to 1012 oxygen levels are good water temperature a crazy 24-26 degrees, PH 8.2.