Hi Guys, Individuals this week,
Simon, Dad Peter, Darren and Neil.
Fishing swims 3,4,9 and 10
Guys are using Archiepeachy red and white, DNA baits, Mainline cell and Royal Marine from baitworks all using our pellet !
Well the guys had a really good week plenty of stockies to keep them busy a few pasties coming through the ranks PB’s for Darren swim 9 and Neil swim 10 lots of the A team Sid 55 lb 4 oz swim 10, Conky 52 lb 12 oz swim 3, Jess 51 lb 8 oz swim 4, Abby the common 50 lb 4 oz caught on swim 4 by Simon he named this fish a few years back after his wife and caught her for the third time, Tash 48,8, China plate 48, stretch the common 46,8, coup the common 45,12, shoulder scale 44,8, scar the common 41,4 also 42 lb 8 oz repeat capture, Ambler 41, chunky lumpy 41, Nutty 29,12, two new names terminator 36 lb 10 oz a stocked fish by us in Nov 20 from the blue lagoon @ 23 lb mega growth and snip 31 lb, all swims producing good numbers of fish over the week swim 3 deffo doing the most swim 10 done a 50 and several 40’s, swim 4 done 10 fish 2 x 50’s, swim 9 slow again with the Daisy spot not producing !
Weather was settled much cooler around 15 degrees lower on daytime temperatures nighttime temperatures very much cooler winds first part of week coming from northerly direction changing to southerly last part of week when temperatures rise again to over 30 degrees again !