Hi guys, firstly I had to report the loss of Stallone one of the A Team having its top weight just over 60 lb possibly dying of a tail injury infection, on a better note we welcomed Georges our new Rottweiler puppy at just 9 weeks.
This week we had two returning anglers Paul and Ben and two new anglers Rob and Mark, Ian has stayed on for another week on swim 12 other swims being fished are 3,5,9 and 10.
Guys are using particle, pellet Archiepeachy white and red, cell and various other boilie baits.
Mega slow week only Rob on some decent fish on swim 5 newly named and microchipped at the start of the season Danny 34 lb 2 lb and shoulder scale @ 45 lb 4 oz, Castle Al @ 48 lb 15 oz, Brutus 41 lb 1 oz other guys have struggled with only several stockies out between them
Weather was a wet set up after suffering very heavy rain through Friday night it was changeable throughout well below normal temperatures for this time of year winds mainly from south west water temperature has dropped a lot around 24-25 degrees oxygen levels are good PH 8.2.