Hi guys, we welcomed back Ant, Dan, Steve, and Jamie all have been here before on several trips over the years.
Swims fished were 4,5,9 and 10.
Bait used were mainlines Essential cell, Cell, Hybrid and Activ-8, and our pellet.
Where to start ? Well the lake fished hard again but we had some excellent results,
Dan on swim 9 tripped up Daisy 72 lb 14 oz off the Daisy spot 💥🐳🎣 10 years ago he caught her @ 47 lb 8 oz on swim 10 which has stayed his PB to the day crazy 🤯he also had Hulk @ 44 lb 10 oz and chunky lumpy @ 42 lb both at top weights, Jamie did his PB common with the barrel @ 50lb he also had Scar @ 43 lb 12 oz and Oddbod at 40 lb, what a session steve had on swim 4 3 x 50’s Katie @ 58 lb, Conky @ 54 lb and white tip @ 52 lb 8 oz also China plate @ 48 lb, Ant did the most fish with 11 upto 54 lb 12 oz which was Sid the guys also had several stock fish 30’s and 40’s ! Dan caught a common we scanned it and found it was stocked from the blue lagoon in November 20 and has put nearly 17 lb on !
Weather hot for time of year low 30’s still warm nights winds come from the east, south, and a north easterly, pressure was high water temperature 23’s to 16 degrees in the shaded areas. Still no rain !